主  催:繊維学会西部支部、九州大学 G-COE「未来分子システム科学」
共  催:九州大学 高分子機能創造リサーチコア
開催場所:九州大学伊都キャンパスウエスト4 号館物質5番講義室
講師氏名: Prof. John M. Torkelson
所 属: Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Department of
Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University
題  目: Dramatic Effects of Nanoscale Confinement on Glass Transition
Temperature, Physical Aging, and Diffusion in Polymer Films and Nanocomposites
概  要: Thin polymer films and nanocomposites exhibit strong effects of
nanoscale confinement: apparent glass transition temperatures (Tgs) can change
by as much as 50 K or more in both substrate-supported and freely standing
films; glassy-state relaxation can be strongly suppressed; and diffusion
coefficients of small-molecule dyes in polymer can be altered by an order of
magnitude or more. Here, I summarize key results from fluorescence spectroscopy,
dielectric relaxation spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry
studies that show how interfaces (polymer-air, polymer-substrate, and
polymer-nanofiller) perturb properties and the length scales, often exceeding
100 nm, over which the interfacial perturbations can propagate into the polymer.
I will also show via multilayer film studies that ultrathin layers of one
polymer species can have their glass transition behavior "slaved" to that of
neighboring domains of other polymers.